Wednesday 18 April 2012

Snake Game in Java

public class variables {
 protected static final int kuzey = 1;
 protected static final int guney = 2;
 protected static final int bati = 3;
 protected static final int dogu = 4;
 protected int yon = kuzey;
 //next direction
 protected int sonrakiyon = kuzey;
 protected long movedelay = 100; //millisecond to go or (X/V) Road/Velocity //ilerleme hızı
 protected long lastmove = 0;//time for next step
 //game status
 protected boolean becontinue = true;  // game is continuing //oyun devam ediyor
 protected boolean pause = false; //game is paused //oyun durduruldu
 protected boolean lost = false;//kaybettin
 protected boolean continued= false;
 //eat seed
 protected static boolean growup = false;
 protected String mess = "Score = ";
 protected String mess2 = "Press ESC to Exit ";
 protected String mess3 = "Number of dead = ";
 protected String mess4 = "Pause";
 protected String mess5 = "You LOSE";
 protected String mess6 = "Try Again-Press Enter or Exit";
 protected static int score = 0;
 protected static int dead = 0;
 protected static int index ;

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