Monday 16 January 2012

Syntax Highligter 3 and Blogspot

Syntax Highlighter version 3.0.83 has been released and there are quite a few changes in the way things work now. I realized this when the rendering on this site broke after I modified it to use the latest release. So, here is the steps required to setup the "hosted" version of the latest Syntax Highlighter (version 3.0.83) and integrate with your Blogger/Blogspot blog.


  1. Navigate to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup the current template by clicking on the link Download Full Template
  3. In the textarea, press CTRL+F to find the code </head>
  4. Copy the below code and paste it just above

And Save it if you want to add another languages,gooo.
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
Moreover,you can replace shThemeDefault in the above line with any one of the following themes:
Django - shThemeDjango
Eclipse - shThemeEclipse
Emacs - shThemeEmacs
Fade to Grey - shThemeFadeToGrey
Midnight - shThemeMidnight
RDark - shThemeRDark


To use it in your blog post, there are a couple of things that need to be done.
  1. Escape all code by replacing any occurrences of:
    1. < with &lt;
    2. > with &gt;
  2. Enclose the escaped code between <pre class="brush:[brush_name];[optional_params]"> and </pre>
  3. Setup the proper brush name (based on the code being highlighted) in the opening pre tag. Using the correct brush will ensure proper highlighting of the code

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